Friday, May 20, 2016

Classical Education

Enter Classical Education

Classical Education is a three-part learning process of which I will only be using the first stage for my class.

Grammar Stage (grades 1-4)

This first stage is based on the theory that at this age, a child's mind is a "sponge". So, what better time to memorize scripture, books of the Bible, the 10 commandments, etc. The child doesn't have to understand everything they are learning right now - just absorb! They will also enjoy Bible stories, songs, hymns, and dramatizations. They can savor and store up fine works of art depicting Bible stories. Map work of Abraham's journey, the River Euphrates, the Red Sea and other biblical locations are tucked away for future use. When the Advent season rolls around we will be listening to music from the Messiah.

Here is what is on our agenda for this year:

Books of the Bible
Ten Commandments
Psalms 23
The Lord's Prayer
A monthly Memory Verse
A monthly Hymn
Jacob's sons
John 3:16
Scriptures for the Wordless Book

For more information about Classical Education check out Susan Wise Bauer's book The Well-Trained Mind.

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