Friday, April 8, 2016

Memorizing Scripture

Which version do we use?

We are memorizing scripture using the King James Version of the Bible. The King James Bible is one of the great masterpieces of English prose. To me, learning scripture in any other translation would be like dumbing down Shakespeare. We read to the kids from the New International Version because it is easier for kids to grasp the meaning. But as we learn the scripture we clarify anything the kids don't understand.

We have precious helpers who write the memory verse on the board for us!

Methods to Memorizing

I try to find ways to use as many senses as possible when learning scripture.
1. I use scripture songs when possible for the memory verse each month. There are lots of them out there if you look. My favorite is from Seeds Family Worship.
2. We have the kids write the memory verse each week and sometimes send home a fill-in-the blank version to give them another chance to write it down.
3. I am constantly on the lookout for games that help us learn the memory verse.

Scripture Relay

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