Friday, April 29, 2016

Genesis 24

Isaac Marries Rebekah

1. Write memory verse in notebook
Pass out Find a Word Puzzle
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Genesis 21-22 - Isaac Marries Rebekah
6. Lesson Activity - Act the lesson out with camel, bangles.

6. Make Rebekah paper doll during story time.
7. Story Time
8. Memory Verse Song - Take Heart

May Memory Verse - I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. Take heart, I have overcome the world. John16:33

Friday, April 8, 2016

Genesis 21-22

Isaac Born/Offering Isaac

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Genesis 21-22 - Isaac Born/Offering Isaac

6. Lesson Activity - Act the lesson out with twigs, stuffed ram, rope for tying Isaac, plastic knife. Also, make Isaac Paper Dolls
7. Story Time
Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac

The Lord provided a ram.

April Memory Verse - Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Memory Verse song - Be Strong and Courageous

Writing the Memory Verse

Memorizing Scripture

Which version do we use?

We are memorizing scripture using the King James Version of the Bible. The King James Bible is one of the great masterpieces of English prose. To me, learning scripture in any other translation would be like dumbing down Shakespeare. We read to the kids from the New International Version because it is easier for kids to grasp the meaning. But as we learn the scripture we clarify anything the kids don't understand.

We have precious helpers who write the memory verse on the board for us!

Methods to Memorizing

I try to find ways to use as many senses as possible when learning scripture.
1. I use scripture songs when possible for the memory verse each month. There are lots of them out there if you look. My favorite is from Seeds Family Worship.
2. We have the kids write the memory verse each week and sometimes send home a fill-in-the blank version to give them another chance to write it down.
3. I am constantly on the lookout for games that help us learn the memory verse.

Scripture Relay

The Weekly Lesson

When it comes time to read the scripture lesson I always do the reading - for several reasons. I really want the kids to be engaged and interested in the story so I'm very animated and read in a strong voice. Sometimes I intentionally read the wrong word just to see if they are listening. They always are! The kids follow along in the Bibles we provide for them. (Nobody brings their own Bible to church anymore!)

Try to bring the stories to life using as many of the 5 senses as possible.

I like to bring crackers and other food that goes along with the Bible story. So lately I've been reading along in the Bible and add a sentence such as "Abraham asked Lot which land he wanted as they sat and ate crackers." Then we pass crackers around. Now the kids are watching and waiting for when the food will come into the story.

Sometimes I will draw names and ask questions after reading the story. Other times I will call up kids to act out the story. I keep a bag of costumes and props handy which they LOVE! Swords and crowns are very popular. The props don't need to be fancy. I collect stuff from the thrift store or just long pieces of fabric.

Quite often we go outside to read and act out the story. We all enjoy getting out of the building but be sure to make this the last thing to do in class because it is almost impossible to get the kids back and quiet again.

Some of the most fun is to conjure up guest actors from the church to burst into the room and add excitement to the story. We've had messengers announce the calamities to Job, Cain and Abel came into the room fighting eachother, the woman who lost a coin came in and asked for our help to find it. One of the best ones was when soldiers came and zip tied all the poor children of Israel in our class and paraded them throughout the church foyer.

When you team up with the Lord to do His work, the Holy Spirit sends you endless ideas.

Genesis 18

Abraham Pleads for Sodom

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Genesis 18:16-33 - Abraham Pleads for Sodom
6. Lesson Activity - This is a cool illustration I found on Pinterest

How Many, Lord?

How few people it would have taken for God to spare the city of Sodom.

Sodom and Gomorrah: How Many Will it Take, Lord?  #kidmin:

The first cup illustrated how many people in were in the city.  The following cups represent the request Abraham made to the Lord each time (what if 50, Lord?). As I told the story, I held up the coordinating cup, emphasizing that not even 10 people could be found in this wicked city.

I finished the illustration with: The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

7. Story Time

April Memory Verse - Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Memory Verse song - Be Strong and Courageous

Genesis 14

Sarah and Hagar

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Genesis 14 - Sarah and Hagar
6. Lesson Activity - Make Sarah and Hagar paper dolls

7. Story Time

April Memory Verse - Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Memory Verse song - Be Strong and Courageous

Genesis 13

Abraham and Lot part ways/Abraham promised many descendants.

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Genesis 13 - Abraham and Lot part ways/Abraham promised many descendants
6. Lesson Activity - We looked at the map of Abraham's journey.
7. Story Time

March Memory Verse - Trust in the Lord with all they heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Memory Verse song - Trust in the Lord

Genesis 12

God sends Abram to Egypt/The Famine in Canaan

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Genesis 12 - God sends Abram to Egypt/The Famine in Canaan
6. Lesson Activity - We looked at the map of Abraham's journey. Then we made food pouches from canvas and stocked them with crackers and cheese to eat while reading.

Welcome to Kid's Bible Maps
7. Story Time

March Memory Verse - Trust in the Lord with all they heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Memory Verse song - Trust in the Lord

Genesis 11

Tower of Babel

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel
7. Story Time
8. Activity - Bible Wits and Wagers

March Memory Verse - Trust in the Lord with all they heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Memory Verse song - Trust in the Lord

Genesis 8

The Flood Subsides

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
4. Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy
5. Read Genesis 8 - The Flood Subsides
6. Lesson Activity
    Props - A black knitted hat and a white knitted hat. One child is the raven; another is the dove. They act out the story while it's being read.
7. Story Time

February Memory Verse - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins by Neil Holman

Copying the memory verse into her notebook.


The Story of Job

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
5. Read Job 1:1-22; 2:1-10; 19:25-27; 42:10-16 - The Story of Job
6. Lesson Activity
    Props - Storyteller (who is Job) is covered with Band-aides and fake sores. When the narrator gets to the part where the messengers come, 3 actors, in succession, burst in the door and shout the announcements.

Exampe: "The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them: And the Sabeans fell upon them, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee."

Job acts appropriately. The kids love it when he "rends" his clothes and puts dirt in his hair!

Instead of reading all the conversations Job had with his friends, I read the following summary:
Job had three friends who had heard of all the bad times Job was going through and they all came by to visit him. They were so sad that Job was suffering that they tore their clothes and put dirt on their heads. Each friend had a long discussion with Job and scolded him because they thought he must of done something wrong to deserve his punishment. Bus this story teaches us that sometimes bad things happened to good people and we must not blame God. Then the Lord spoke to Job and Job realized that God was powerful and could do anything. God is control over all things on the earth and in Heaven.

7. Story Time
8. Memory Verse Activity - Scripture Relay

March Memory Verse - Trust in the Lord with all they heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Memory Verse song - Trust in the Lord

Genesis 7

The Great Flood

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
4. Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy
5. Read Genesis 7 - The Great Flood
6. Story Time

February Memory Verse - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins by Neil Holman

I love the movie The Bible circa 1966 if, for no other reason, than John Huston's whimsical portrayal of Noah. So we gathered the kids around the screen to watch just this portion of the movie. Who knew that kids have such a short attention span that they couldn't even concentrate on 5 minutes of the movie. Kids were pulling books from the shelves to read and talking and fighting among themselves. I would try it again on another group, hopefully with a better result.

Remembering my Grandmother

I remember my grandmother making twin babies in a cradle with her handkerchief while we were sitting in church. I racked my brain trying to remember how it was done. Would you believe there is a YouTube video with the same charming little cradle?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Genesis 6

Wickedness Provokes God's Wrath

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
4. Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy
5. Read Genesis 6 - Wickedness Provokes God's Wrath
    A little note about Nephilim: According to the Book of Enoch, two hundred of the 'fallen angels' descended from the heavenly realm on to the summit of Mount Hermon and they were so smitten by the beauty of human women that they took the form of a human and had sex with them. Because of this sin, a race of half-angelic, half-human species sprang up (Genesis 6:4) in the land. An offspring so evil that they devoured the flesh of men and were giants on the land. A race known as the Nephilim.
6. Story Time

February Memory Verse - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

I found a cool song for this verse by Neil Holman

Making Paper Dolls for a Timeline

I found a wonderful idea for a very visual timeline on Pinterest. I pass out a paper doll form printed on cardstock for the kids to decorate as the biblical character of the day. The first day is Adam and Eve. You can have them use colored pencils, crayons or construction paper for decorating. They are storing their paper dolls in their pencil pouch for now.

Children made characters of the Old Testament as we studied the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Esau and Jacob and Jacob and Rachael:

I also found these Bible People on Pinterest

Genesis 3

The Fall of Man

1. Write January memory verse in notebook.
2. Prayer
3. Sing the Books of the Old Testament
4. Hymn - Christmas Songs
5. Read Genesis 3 - The Fall of Man
    Props - Toy snake, apple slices, green fabric for tree
6. Lesson Activity - 1 kid is dressed as Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Kids act out the temptation of Adam and Eve by the snake.
7. Story Time
8. Memory verse activity - Genesis 1:1 with bouncing ball.

Genesis 4

Cain Kills Abel

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer - Introduce ACTS as a way to pray
    A - Adoration - praise God for who God is
    C - Confession - own up to our sins
    T - Thanksgiving - thank God
    S - Supplication - make requests for ourselves and others
3. Sing the books of the Old Testament
4. Hymn - Christmas songs
5. Read Genesis 4 - Cain Kills Abel
    Props - Toy lamb, fruit and knife
6. Lesson Activity - Act out story. Arrange for two men (Cain and Abel) to burst into and begin fighting to the death!
6. Story Time

Genesis 2

The Garden of Eden

1. Write January memory verse in notebook.
2. Prayer
3. Sing the Books of the Old Testament
4. Hymn - Christmas Songs
5. Read Genesis 2 - The Garden of Eden
    a. Review the days of Creation with t-shirts
6. Lesson Activity - Two kids dressed as trees (wrapped in green fabric - nothing elaborate) holding fruit. One is Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The other is the Tree of Life. Blue fabric is used as a river separating them.
7. Story Time

Floor puzzles are available during the story time.

Sabbath Schooling

My husband and I are taking Sabbath School to a whole new level. In January we started using the Bible as our lesson beginning with Genesis and reading the Bible stories in chronological order. We teach a Primary class but this format could be used to teach Kindergarten, Juniors, up to Adults. 

Using the Charlotte Mason Method of teaching by utilizing quality books as our textbooks we thought, what could be better than reading the Sabbath School lesson directly from the Bible? We also felt that teaching children to memorize scripture and learn hymns is a crucial part of our responsibility as teachers. 

Follow along with us as we share what happens in this new adventure!

Our Weekly Format (which is always subject to change :)

1. Copy the memory verse for the month.
2. Prayer
3. Sing Hymn of the month.
4. Sing the books of the Old and New Testament
5. Read Bible story for the week.
6. Game or Activity
7. Story time.

8. We try to make time for the kids to play outside!!!!

Getting Started

Materials needed for each child

3-ring binder
Pencil pouch
Colored pencils
Pencil sharpener
Ink pen
Notebook paper
Sheet protectors
Large print Bible NIV


List of Old and New testament names
Words to Hymns

Genesis 1

The Creation

1. Write memory verse in notebook
2. Prayer
3. Overview of the Bible (what is a book, chapter, verse?)
4. Hymn - Christmas songs
5. Read Genesis 1 - The Creation
    Props - Creation t-shirts
6. Lesson Activity - Days of Creation t-shirts
7. Story Time - Some of our favorite books
8. Memory Verse Activity - Bouncing the memory verse

January Memory Verse: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Days of Creation t-shirts

I bought 7 men's size small t-shirts and used fabric markers to illustrate a day of Creation on each. Day 1 I left blank; day 2 I hot glued cotton balls on the front, and so on. I wrote the number of the day on the back of each shirt.

We had 7 volunteers put on the shirts and line up in front - NOT in order. The rest of the kids took turns putting them in the correct order. Then they kids with the shirts turned around so everyone could see if they had guessed the order correctly.

Bouncing the Memory Verse

We had the kids get into a circle. Then each kid would bounce the ball rhythmically to the verse.